Turns out I’m not so great at keeping this website up to date.
I’ve traveled through five states since my last post, and taken thousands of photos, some of which I’ve posted below (not in chronological order).
Right now, I’m in the Arizona desert. Don’t automatically assume desert = warm. I wake to temperatures anywhere between 18 – 38 degrees, but I’ve gotten used to my cold morning routines. With the state of things being what they are, I plan to continue slowly moving through the Arizona desert for the next few weeks or so.
While scrolling through social media this morning, I saw posts from former colleagues announcing the start of Winter break. It was during Winter break last year that I dove headfirst into prepping my house to go on the market the first week of January. I repainted every room, scraped popcorn from ceilings, power washed all exterior concrete, and gave boxes upon boxes of belongings to Goodwill and friends. I can’t believe that was only a year ago. It feels much longer than that, but I suppose 2020 feels like a pretty long year to everyone.
There hasn’t been one day I’ve regretted taking this leap. On the contrary, I wake every single morning thankful for each day. Grateful for everything that has happened along the way, both externally and internally, all the people I’ve met – mostly just brief conversations as COVID has certainly thwarted plans of meeting people, and for all the amazing beauty I’ve seen. Words can’t describe the awe I’ve experienced, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
When I set out, I’d planned to give myself a year to wander around the country. Now that I’m coming up on that milestone, I’m by no means ready to stop. So, those of you who follow me here, I’ll do my best to post more often, even if it’s just photos.
I hope everyone has safe and Happy Holidays, and here’s to a shiny New Year!

So great to get this update before the holidays. Thank you for taking us along the adventure with you. I am so proud of you and think of you often!
Happy Holidays. So good to receive an update with great photos. Continue to enjoy your journey!! Wishing you blessings for the new year.
Oh my Lisa. I am so proud of you for having the courage to follow your dreams! The time you spent physically planning for this move, discarding unneeded items, selling your home, fixing up the van…was also part of your mental planning as well. You were ready to start this adventure. As you look to decide “what’s next” for Lisa and Paco…how do you create your next reality that honors, draws from, and includes your adventure. THAT’s what I’m so excited to see….the next adventures of Lisa and Paco! You got this!